Sunday, March 29, 2009

*sigh*...getting hit on through a language barrier...endless entertainment

Two quick stories: Michaela was walking back from work one afternoon and one of the island's "crazy people", i.e. he walks around with a fork tied to a string while dishing out a hearty helping of word salad, approached her from behind calling, "Hey! Hey, Lady! Hey, Lady!" When she turned around he boldly said, "I like your crack-ass!" Apparently, Michaela has a nice crack-ass...

The other story happened in the middle of a run. Michaela and I had stopped midway at Misco Beach to talk with some friends and after being harassed by a drunken man, who handed us a romance novel and asked if we knew about it and when we said "no" he clearly was internally elevated to an "all knowing" status, we decided to leave. As we were leaving a different man stuck his head out of a moving car window and yelled, "I LOVE AMERICAN!" Than he paused. We looked at each other and shook our heads at another blatant pick-up attempt. We were clearly not amused; however, than he continued in an equally loud, but much more somber voice, "BUT I TOO SHORT!" Micronesians are typically shorter but his awareness with his vertical limitations was both unexpected and absolutely hilarious. We burst out laughing, repeated his butchered English pick-up line a few times and eventually continued with our work out.

We've also had a man call for our attention (“Hey, Lady!”) and after achieving our gaze proceed to do samurai moves (like it was his job) with an iron pole he had found somewhere.

The stories go on and on, but they never seem to get old!


Joe in Minnesota said...

Hey Lady!! More More More!

You are certainly livin' a crazy life down there.

Most interesting thing that happened on my travels in the past month was that I hit ever light on green on the way to work. Yay.

bathmate said...

It looks so good in the post.
Many thanks for your nice posting, I like it.

bathmate said...

so good in the post.
Many thanks for your nice posting, I like it.

Anonymous said...

gloria and maynard..from nanpil and ya'll doing? i'm delsin luzama remember me?from luwi nett....kumwa tangatang pwei pahn kohweite ngei kana...